Growing up is a journey packed with struggles and challenges. As parents, our role is to ensure our kids find the proper support they may need in the years ahead. However, there are instances where mental health plays a significant role in a child’s development and growth. In Canada, 1.2 million children and youth are affected by mental illness. At least six percent of every 100,000 from the age 10 to 19 will commit suicide, ending their lives for good. Therefore, parents should find ways to prevent teenage suicide. Here are some ideas they can try.
1. Listen
Parents should listen to their children several times week and take time off from other activities. As a parent, it’s essential to foster a good relationship with your kids. Make sure to create a cozy environment where you’re comfortable discussing issues like your child’s life at school or how things are with friends. Always ensure that your children feel comfortable sharing their thoughts. It can help ease the pain of their worries or concerns.
2. Reach Out
If you find out your child has problems, you must try to help them get the right therapy. There are instances where therapy can be beneficial, especially regarding mental health. Although you can’t force a child to go to therapy, you can make a suggestion. Be sure to avoid being harsh. Always ensure that your children know you only have their best interests at heart.
3. Communicate
Sometimes, a parent’s busy schedule can interfere with healthy communication. However, you shouldn’t let this happen. To prevent communication issues, try and find time to have a lengthy conversation with your children. Be sure to allow them to discuss their thoughts and feelings. Always ensure that they feel free to express themselves. If you notice that they’re not comfortable with a particular issue, it’s essential to take the time to understand their feelings.
4. Never Invalidate Feelings
If your child expresses their thoughts and feelings to you, ensure you listen to them. And never invalidate their feelings. There’s no reason for you to try and change how they feel. Instead, you should encourage them to share their thoughts and ideas. If you find out they have problems, help them find the proper support they may need.
Your child might have specific mental health problems, yet you should make sure to validate their feelings. As parents, we tend to dismiss our children’s feelings, making them feel that they’re not necessary. However, you should ensure that you’re always listening to what your children have to say. Although it may be difficult at times, try to be understanding.
5. Get Professional Help
Some parents may find it challenging to support their children’s mental health issues. In this case, it’s essential to seek professional help. A therapist can help you with your child’s mental health issues. If you’re not comfortable with therapy, you should find an adult your children can confide in.
There are many ways to prevent teenage suicide. Teachers and parents should work together if there are concerns. If you ever find out that your child is thinking about suicide, the best thing you can do is get them help. Don’t let them feel alone. They are dealing with a lot of emotions and hurt, so they will need support.
You don’t need to be a parent to take a stand against teen suicide. If you know of someone who may be experiencing mental health problems, it’s your responsibility to lend a helping hand. While it may be difficult to talk to someone, you can still take the necessary steps to find ways to help them. Always ensure you’re there for each other and try to listen whenever someone needs help.
Virtuous Circle Counselling offers various family counselling services in Calgary. Our goal is to listen and provide helpful solutions to prevent severe outcomes from happening. In counselling, we can help adolescents understand themselves better and help them feel more at ease with the challenges of growing up. Speak to one of our psychologists in Calgary today and learn more about our services.