Virtuous Circle Counselling


Psychoeducational Assessments Calgary

Psychoeducational Assessments In Calgary

Psychoeducational assessment services in Calgary by Virtuous Circle Counselling offer an in-depth evaluation of a child’s learning abilities, academic performance and giftedness. This type of assessment is extremely useful for parents whose children are struggling in school or are performing below average. Psychoeducational assessments are also used to identify children with special needs, such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) or or Intellectual Disabilities (ID).

Children with learning disabilities struggle with one or more basic skills necessary for academic success. These skills include reading comprehension, writing, spelling and mathematics. Some children may be able to master these skills if given additional time and practice; however, others will require additional instruction to overcome their challenges.

A psychoeducational assessment is a comprehensive examination of your child’s learning abilities and strengths as well as any areas where improvement is needed. During the assessment process, you will have the opportunity to discuss your concerns with our team of experts who will guide you through all available options for treatment.

Our Assessors

Nicole Hartfeld (SW)
Stephanie Innocent Assessments Calgary
Stephanie Innocent (SE)
Nicole Granger Wannop Calgary Assessor
Nicole Granger-Wannop (SW)

Frequently Asked Questions

Psychoeducational assessments are comprehensive evaluations of a student’s academic, behavioural, and social functioning. The assessments measure the student’s strengths and weaknesses in areas such as intelligence, learning ability, attention span, memory skills, language abilities, problem-solving skills, and emotional/social development. Depending on the particular assessment used by the evaluator, the assessment may include cognitive assessment, academic assessment and Social/Emotional assessment. Cognitive assessment looks at general intellectual functioning such as memory skills, language abilities, problem-solving, and abstract reasoning. Academic Assessment measures academic achievement in specific subject areas like math and reading. And finally, Social/Emotional Assessment evaluates a person’s social and emotional functioning, including areas such as behaviour management, self-esteem, ability to interact with peers and adults, and overall sense of well-being.

A psychoeducational assessment is an important tool for understanding a student’s strengths and weaknesses in order to develop a tailored approach to learning. With this information, teachers and parents can help create learning plans that are tailored to the student’s individual needs. The results of a psychoeducational assessment may also be used to obtain services or accommodations such as extended time on tests, the use of special equipment or software, and other strategies to promote success. Ultimately, a psychoeducational assessment is an important step in helping students reach their full potential.

You should bring any relevant school records, such as IEPs or report cards, and any previous psychoeducational assessment reports and medical reports that are relevant. Please ensure you take any required medication and that you have slept well and eaten breakfast. Please dress comfortably as there will be extended times of sitting. If your appointment is booked for a half day, please bring snacks and water. If your appointment is booked for a full day we will break for lunch (12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.). There is a waiting area that has a microwave, coffee and water available or lunch options are available within walking distance. 

If your child is being assessed we do have a waiting area where you may sit during the assessment. You may leave during the assessment time and come back at lunch. If your child is anxious about the assessment having a parent available to see during breaks are often a comfort. Please let us know if you will be staying for the assessment. If you are unable to return at lunch or are running late, please notify us.

It depends on the individual and what is being assessed, but typically it can take anywhere between 2 and 6 hours. This includes the actual testing sessions with lots of time for breaks. The length of time can vary depending on the person. We always try our best to ensure our client’s comfort by providing breaks when necessary. When we assess children we will have movement breaks but will also have some board games for them to play. If your child has a book, or favourite toy to engage with during breaks please feel free to bring it.

Time to report the assessment report can vary based on what is being assessed, the number of files that are required to review and the number of interviews required (how many teachers, doctors, co-workers, spouse etc.) we may need to contact. While we aim to have the quickest turnaround, we strive to have your report and feedback available no later than four weeks after testing has been completed. If a report is needed for an application with a deadline, please let us know so that we can accommodate it.

This depends on the reason for the assessment, but typically you would provide them to your child’s school and physician. Reports are often necessary to apply for funding through Family Support for Children with Disabilities (FSCD). Please let us know if you have questions about this and we can address them in your feedback meeting.

A psychoeducational assessment can diagnose attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). It can provide information about how well a child learns and thinks. This information can be helpful if you suspect your child has ADHD. It can also help identify other conditions that may be affecting his or her behaviour and/or ability to learn.

The results of a psychoeducational evaluation give you detailed information about how your child learns, thinks, understands language, solves problems, and communicates with others. This information helps teachers understand what methods will work best for teaching your child and potentially provide access to accommodations (ex. more time for tests) so he or she can succeed in school.

Learning Abilities And Giftedness

Learning abilities and giftedness are some of the most common reasons why parents opt for a psychoeducational assessment. Learning abilities are defined as the skills that a person possesses when it comes to taking in new information, understanding it and applying it appropriately in different situations. Examples include reading comprehension, listening skills, oral language expression and written language expression.

Giftedness is another aspect of psychoeducational assessment that can be assessed through psychoeducational testing. When people are gifted, they possess abilities or qualities far beyond those expected for their age group. The main areas of learning assessed are:

  • Academic skills: reading, spelling and writing;
  • Numeracy (math);
  • Social skills and emotional development.


A child may be identified as gifted if they have an IQ of 130 or above, or they score in the top 2% on an achievement test. Teachers can use IQ tests or achievement tests to identify gifted children in the classroom. 

A formal assessment to identify giftedness is recommended if there are concerns regarding academic performance or social development that do not fit within normal parameters for their age group. Formal assessment is also required for coding with Alberta Education and for applications to specific schools and/or programs for the gifted.

Psychoeducational Assessment Calgary

Learning Disabilities And Disorders

A learning disability is a condition that affects how people learn, communicate and interact with others. It’s not about having low intelligence – it just means people with learning disabilities have problems processing information like everyone else does. Many children with learning disabilities have average or above-average intelligence and have no obvious physical problems. 

They may have difficulty with reading, writing, mathematics (including arithmetic), and/or speech. Or they may have difficulty with one area but not others. For example, a child who has difficulty reading may also have difficulty spelling or writing but not arithmetic.

Some children can compensate for their learning disability by using other skills to help them understand the material they’re studying or complete their schoolwork. However, if left untreated, these difficulties can cause problems later in life when they enter the job market or need to take classes at a university or college level.

The most common learning disabilities include:


Learning disabilities can be a frustrating and confusing experience for students, parents and educators. Learning disabilities affect a student’s ability to receive, process, store, retrieve or communicate information. Learning disabilities commonly involve difficulties in reading, writing and math but can also include coordination problems such as poor handwriting.

Learning disabilities are diagnosed by professionals based on results from standardized tests, observation of specific behaviours and performance at school, and a detailed history of how the child is performing in various areas related to academic achievement over time.

If your child has been identified as having a learning disability or disorder, they may benefit from a psychoeducational assessment. This will help determine if they require special accommodations at school, as well as determine how best to address their needs. A psychoeducational assessment can also help you understand what steps you can take at home to support your child’s learning.

Does My Child Need A Psychoeducational Assessment?

A psychoeducational assessment in Calgary is a comprehensive evaluation that assesses the cognitive, academic, and social-emotional development of children from preschool through adolescence. It is designed to identify strengths, weaknesses, and supports required for optimal learning.

Psychoeducational assessments provide information on: 

  • What factors affect academic performance (e.g., attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), emotional problems, learning disabilities, etc.);
  • How well the student can learn in different settings (e.g., home, school or daycare);
  • What areas need additional support and intervention services (i.e., speech therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy).

A psychoeducational assessment should be provided by a qualified psychologist or other licensed professional who is trained to administer and interpret the results of psychoeducational tests. A psychoeducational assessment can help your child receive the support they need to succeed in school and in life. Contact Virtuous Circle Counselling today to learn more.

Learning Assessment Calgary

Fee Structure

Standard Psychoeducational Assessment: 

  • Parent Interview for a child client (1 hour)
  • Cognitive functioning testing (2 hours)
  • Academic functioning testing (2 hours)
  • Social/emotional/behavioural questionnaires (up to 4)
  • Scoring time, file review and report writing (4 hours)
  • Feedback for parents (1 hour)

Total Estimated Hours: 10 hours

Total Estimated Cost: $2,000

 *Classroom observation, teacher interview and school follow-up consultation is an extra consideration. As well as supplemental testing outside of the four hour allotment.

Complex Psychoeducational Assessment: 

  • Parent Interview for a child client (1 hour)
  • Cognitive functioning testing (2 hours)
  • Academic functioning testing (2 hours)
  • Social/emotional/behavioural questionnaires (up to 8)
  • Scoring time, file review and report writing (7 hours)
  • Feedback for parents (1 hour)

Total Estimated Hours: 13 hours

Total Estimated Cost: $2,600

 *Classroom observation, teacher interview and school follow-up consultation is an extra consideration. As well as supplemental testing outside of the four hour allotment.


Many extended health benefit plans will cover in full or a potion of the cost for private Psychoeducational Assessments. It is important to check with your plan provider for available coverage. We will work with our clients to organize the billing to maximize coverage. 

Book Your Appointment Online

We are currently accepting new clients however being a good fit is everything in a therapeutic alliance. When you’re ready, please contact us for a free 30-minute phone consultation to see if we match your needs and goals.

We at Virtuous Circle Counselling acknowledge Moh’kinstsis, the lands where the Bow and Elbow rivers meet, in what we currently call Calgary. We acknowledge that we are visitors on Moh’kinsstis and acknowledge the Blackfoot are those who named this area as Moh’kinsstis. In the spirit of Truth and Reconciliation, we recognize the ancestral territories, cultures, and oral practices of the Blackfoot people, the Îyarhe Nakoda Nations, the Dene people of the Tsuut’ina Nation, and the Métis Nation of Alberta, Region 3.